COHO Quick Start Guide
You have signed up to COHO or you’re ready to sign up to COHO and you want a little guidance on where to start.
Here we have a short guide for getting productive on COHO and other things you should consider.
Add a property
This is super easy to do. Just navigate to the ‘Properties’ panel on your main portfolio page and click ‘+New Property’. The system will guide you through the steps to adding the basic information about the property to your account. More information can be found in our product guide here -
Add Property Compliance
At this point, you’re now tracking the compliance documents for the property which means you can be assured that all of your renewal actions will be automatically generated by the system.
Add rooms
You may have noticed that you can add rooms when adding the property, but this can be skipped and they can be added later. Adding the rooms to the property allows you to add rent amounts, deposit amounts and say if the room is currently occupied.
Generate Rent Schedules
Now, you’re able to track rents on COHO for your tenants.
Tracking your compliance documents and tracking rents are possibly the 2 most important things so the above steps help get these set up straight away.
Now let's think about what else should follow.
On each room/tenancy, you’re able to upload important documents in regards to the tenancy. You can add the current tenancy agreement, any deposit information and right to rent information. The Tenant Information panel should also be completed with useful information such as email addresses and telephone numbers. When inviting tenants to their dashboard, this information is required. More information can be found here -
Welcome Packs
At this stage, you’re ready to invite your tenants to their My COHO Dashboard. Inviting tenants can really help with streamlining your processes and pulling all information / communications into one place.
Invite Tenants via the Occupancy panel
Now your tenants have been invited to COHO you will be able to utilize Maintenance and the Message Centre. More information can be found here:
The above steps are a great start to using COHO. From here, we can look at other areas of COHO and we can look at how you can set up certain forms and documents so they are ready for when you want to use them.
In no particular order:
Tenant Find
Inventory Builder
Property Marketing, Property Details & Room Details
Property Ownership & Property Owners
That should give you plenty of things to consider when setting up your account on COHO and will certainly help you to get productive and use the system in the most efficient way.
Clare’s top tips!
My top tip for using COHO is click on the settings cogs! Most panels in COHO have a settings cog in the top right hand corner. The settings cogs allow you to set up certain features, configure panels to make them work better for you and will give you further information about what that panel does. Don’t be scared to click on them! ;)
Expand those panels! Every panel has a ‘show panel content’ button which will expand the panel further. Expand those panels to see what the panel looks like and familiarize yourself with the features COHO has on offer.