The Maintenance panel on COHO allows you to view all maintenance issues that have been reported and track them throughout the workflow. Both managers and tenants can report maintenance issues directly.
Filtering options:
Mine & Unassigned: Here you can use the drop down menu to filter between mine and unassigned, mine, unassigned, all or any tags that have been added to the property. See also Tagging.
All Properties: Here you can filter by different properties.
Filter by tags: Once a maintenance issue has been raised, you can add a tag to the issue and then filter by the tag added.
Search: Here you can use the search bar to search for a particular maintenance issue.
Archive only: Toggle that allows you to see all archived maintenance issues.
Missing financial items: Toggle allows you to view all maintenance issues with missing financial items. See also Finances.
With unpaid invoice only: Allows you to view all maintenance issues with unpaid invoices only.
Add Maintenance Issue
Here you can choose a maintenance category. Categories have further items within to narrow down the issue being reported. You can also use the search bar to search for a category.
Once a category has been selected, you can choose an item within that category.
Severity: Low, Medium and High severity. This can be changed later if required.
Property: Select a property from the drop down menu.
Any room in particular?: If the issue relates to a room you can use the drop menu to select the room.
Manager Notes: Any notes can be added here. These notes are not visible to tenants.
Images/Videos: Here you can upload any supporting images and videos.
Create on behalf of a tenant?:
Yes: If the issue was reported to you and you’re adding the issue on behalf of the tenant.
No: If the issue was reported by management i.e., you or anyone in your team.
Which tenant reported this?: Here you can use the drop down menu to select the tenant in the property that reported the issue.
Share issue with all active tenants?:
Yes: All tenants will be able to see the issue on their My COHO dashboard.
No: Visible only to the tenant who reported it.
Send message along with the issue?:
Yes: Allows you to add a message alongside the issue that tenants will be able to view on their My COHO dashboard.
No: Does not send a message along with the issue.
Click ‘Add’ to add the new maintenance issue or ‘Cancel’.
Once a maintenance issue has been raised by either the manager or a tenant, you will see the issue in the ‘Reported’ section.
Select the maintenance issue to see the full details.
Share to housemates: Here you can select the share the issue with the other housemates in the property.
Severity: Here you can choose or change the severity of the issue.
Target date: Here you can enter a date you expect the issue to be resolved by. This can also be shared with tenants.
What is happening now?: Here you can begin the job to track the progress.
Defer: Will defer the issue raised to the deferred section of the workflow. See also Deferred.
Complete: Will set the issue as completed and move it to the carried out section of the workflow. See also Carried Out.
Archive: Will archive the issue raised. You can use the toggle to show archived maintenance issues.
Delete: Delete the maintenance issue.
Begin: Assign the maintenance issue to yourself and start the maintenance workflow.
Assign: Assign the issue to another team member so they can start the maintenance workflow.
Supplier: Choose a supplier to send the job sheet to. See also Suppliers.
Here you can choose the supplier and indicate whether to share details with them or continue to manage the job internally.
Choose a supplier: Here you can choose a supplier from the drop down menu or add a new supplier. See also Suppliers.
Do you want to share this issue with the supplier?: Sharing will send an email and SMS, if the contact details are available, allowing the supplier to directly respond to the issue themselves.
Yes: Send the issue to the supplier.
No: Don’t send the issue to the supplier.
Has the supplier already accepted the issue?:
Yes: They are currently progressing the issue.
No: We haven’t yet had confirmation.
Internal notes: Internal notes can be added to the maintenance issue at any stage. Internal notes are not shared with the tenant(s).
Files/Images: Files/images can be uploaded to the maintenance issue at any stage.
Assigning the maintenance issue to a team member or a supplier will move the maintenance issue to ‘In Progress’.
Owner approval: Here you can mark the job as awaiting owner approval whilst you communicate with them. NB. You will only see the Owner Approval option if the Property Ownership has been set as Managed or Master Lease. See also Property Ownership & Property Owners.
In Progress
Assigning the maintenance issue to a team member or a supplier will move the maintenance issue to ‘In Progress’.
In Progress can mean the maintenance issue is ‘With manager’, ‘With supplier’, ‘With owner’, ‘Scheduled’ or ‘Awaiting parts’.
Schedule job: Here you can enter a date the maintenance issue is scheduled to be carried out.
Awaiting parts: Here the supplier (if sent the job) or the manager can add a date that parts are expected to arrive by.
Supplier: Here a supplier can be assigned to the issue.
Estimate: Here you can enter an estimate for the work to be completed.
Once the maintenance issue has been completed, it can be marked as ‘Complete’.
When was the maintenance issue carried out?: Here you can enter a date or use the calendar to say when the issue was completed.
Completion notes: Here you can add any notes regarding the completion of the issue.
Pictures: Images can be uploaded in support of the issue being completed.
Anything left?:
No, All Good!: This will mark the issue as completed and there is no further information outstanding.
Awaiting invoice: Here you mark the issue as completed but indicate your waiting on an invoice for the work completed.
Awaiting other: Here you mark the issue as complete but you’re still waiting on something else.
Click ‘Confirm’ to move the issue to ‘Carried out’ or ‘Cancel’.
Carried Out
Once the maintenance issue has been completed, it can be marked as ‘Complete’.
From here you can archive the issue by clicking ‘Archive’ if there is nothing further you need to do. All archived maintenance issues can be viewed by toggling on the ‘Archive Only’ toggle.
There may be circumstances where a maintenance issue is raised but rather than do it now, you may want to defer the issue to a later date.
Once the issue is reported, you can click ‘Defer’ to move the issue to the Deferred section of the workflow.
Once a supplier has been entered and the issue has been sent to them, they will receive an email with a unique link to click to view all the details of the issue. Suppliers DO NOT have to create a profile on COHO. If a supplier has been sent numerous issues, they will only need to click one link to view all issues.
Begin: Here the supplier can review the information and accept the issue to begin.
Complete: Here the supplier can automatically mark the issue as completed.
Reject: Here the supplier can reject the job if they are unable to accept it.
Once the job has been accepted, the supplier will be able to:
Estimate: Provide an estimate for the work to be completed.
Awaiting Parts: The supplier can indicate they are awaiting parts.
Schedule Job: The supplier can enter a date they are expecting to attend the property.
Complete: The supplier can mark the issue as complete.
Reject: The supplier can reject the issue.
'+ Invoice': The supplier is able to upload a copy of the invoice.
Supplier Messages:
Suppliers can also be involved in conversations between either themselves and the manager and themselves and the tenants (if applicable).
Auto Response Messages
Auto response messages can be set up in COHO for every category and item within that category. This can be particularly useful to give tenants further information to try and resolve the issue by themselves or you can ask for further information so you have everything you need to push the maintenance issue forward.
Auto response messages to maintenance issues can be set up by clicking on the Maintenance settings cog on the Maintenance panel on your main organisation page. See also Maintenance Settings Cog.
To set your auto response messages, click on ‘Maintenance Categories’.
Here you can select a category to add your auto response or you can click to ‘+Add new category’ if there are any other categories you need to add.
Selecting a category allows you to then choose the item within that category.
Once an item within the category has been selected, you can then set the auto response message.
Edit: Here you can edit the auto response message.
Disable: Here you can disable the item within the category.
Troubleshooting Cards: Troubleshooting Cards and information can also be added by clicking ‘Add card’.
Edit Maintenance Category:
Severity: Here the severity of the issue can be pre-set.
Do you want to set a specific auto response for this message?: Here you can enter text that you feel may help to resolve the issue or you can ask for further information.
Do you want to require image upload when reporting this issue?: Here you can toggle on/off the request to upload an image when the issue is reported.
Click ‘Save’ to save the information entered or ‘Cancel’.
Default Troubleshooting Cards
COHO can help you to provide default troubleshooting steps to tenants.
Click to 'Add default cards' to add these default troubleshooting cards to your active set. If you've done this before, adding them again will overwrite existing default cards, including any modifications you've made, and include any new ones we've added. Manually added cards will not be affected.
Troubleshooting Card Tenant View
When a tenant reports a maintenance issue that has a troubleshooting card attached, once they report they will have the troubleshooting card displayed to them. At the bottom of the troubleshooting card, they will have the option to mark the issue as resolved or they can still report the issue.
Help Me Fix Integration
COHO has an integration with Help Me Fix. Help Me Fix connects tenants to tradespeople over video to reduce call out charges and maintenance headaches.
Integrating your Help Me Fix account will give tenants the option to connect directly to an engineer when they are about to log a maintenance issue.
To connect your Help Me Fix account to COHO, you will need to navigate to the property that Help Me Fix is linked to, navigate to the Maintenance panel and click the settings cog in the right hand corner. It is important to note that you can ONLY find the Help Me Fix integration options in Maintenance panels at property level.
Do you want to integrate your Help Me Fix account?: Here you can toggle this on/off and enter your Help Me Fix Customer ID.
Allow tenants to bypass Help Me Fix video call and log directly?: Here tenants can bypass the Help Me Fix video call and log the issue directly.
Maintenance Settings Cog
It is important to understand the differences between the Maintenance settings cog options as they differ from the main organisation page Maintenance panel to property level Maintenance panels.
Organisation Maintenance Settings Cog:
Maintenance Categories: Here you can set up auto response messages, request image uploads and add troubleshooting cards. See also Auto Response Messages.
Reporting URL: Here you can see a unique link to give to your tenants for them to report directly into the account without the need for the tenant to have an account on COHO. Equally you can use the QR code image to provide to your tenants in a welcome pack or a poster in a shared area at the property.
Property Maintenance Settings Cog:
Would you like to auto respond to a new maintenance issue?: Here you can enter a generic auto response that is NOT specific to an issue.
Help Me Fix: Here you can integrate your Help Me Fix account with COHO. See also Help Me Fix Integration.