COHO has a ‘Property Ownership’ panel on every property and a ‘Property Owners’ panel on the main organisation page.
The purpose of this panel is to accurately record information regarding how the property is being owned or managed. By having these panels against each property, you can effectively manage a mixed portfolio on COHO.
If the property is being managed and is not owned by the organisation, you have the option to invite the owner to their owner portal. See also Owner Portal.
If you act as a Letting Agent, you are able to create settlement statements for the owner via the Finances panel in COHO and publish directly to their owner portal. See also Finances.
Property Ownership
Property is owned by this organisation.
An ‘owned’ property is owned by the organisation or the account on COHO. You can also add the owned property to a ‘New child company’, add Ownership Notes and add any Ownership Files. If you add a new child company onto the panel, you can recall the information for subsequent Property Ownership panels.
Property is managed by this organisation for a fee. By entering the information as a managed property, COHO will work out the management fees and automatically add them as a financial item on the Finances panel. See also Finances.
Agency Fee: This is the % fee you have agreed with the owner.
Is VAT included in the agency fee?:
Yes: VAT is included in the management fee.
No: COHO will add VAT when adding the management fee as a Financial item on the Finances panel. See also 15. Finances.
Not VAT Registered: Your organisation is not VAT registered.
When is the management fee charged?:
On rent paid: COHO will create the management fee item on the Finances panel when the rent is reconciled in COHO. See also When is the management fee earned?
On rent due: COHO will create the management fee item on the Finances panel when the rent is due.
Should a maintenance float be held for this property?:
Yes: Allows you specify an amount of money held against the property.
No: There is no float held against the property.
When is the management fee earned?:
Rent payment date: The management fee is earned on the rent payment date. i.e., when the payment is reconciled in COHO.
Rent due date: The management fee is earned on the rent due date. i.e., when the payment is due in COHO.
You can then proceed with adding the information about the owner of the property. Once the information has been entered, it can be recalled for subsequent Property Ownership panels. You can also include any Owner Notes, Owner Files, Ownership Notes & Ownership Files.
Individual: Property is owned by a person.
Company: Property is owned by a company.
New child company:
It is important to note that information that is added to the Property Ownership panel is also used during the onboarding process when using the COHO mail merge tags. See also Tenancy Agreement Templates & Mail Merge.
How should settlements happen?: This is for managed properties only.
Settled Combined: When settlement statements are created in the Finances panel, they will show all properties the owner is assigned to.
Settle by property: When settlement statements are created in the Finances panel, settlements will be created property by property. See also Finances.
Automatically share all maintenance issues with the owner?:
Yes: All maintenance issues that are logged by the tenant or by the manager will display on the owners portal.
No: No maintenance issues will be shared with the owner. As maintenance issues are logged, you have the option to share with the owner on an ad hoc basis. See also Maintenance and Owner Portal.
Master Lease (R2R)
The organisation pays rent to a property owner (also known as Rent to Rent).
Here you can state the amount of guaranteed rent that has been agreed with the property owner.
New child company:
You can then proceed with adding the information about the owner of the property. Once the information has been entered, it can be recalled for subsequent Property Ownership panels. You can also include any Owner Notes, Owner Files, Ownership Notes & Ownership Files.
Automatically share all maintenance issues with the owner?:
Yes: All maintenance issues that are logged by the tenant or by the manager will display on the owners portal.
No: No maintenance issues will be shared with the owner. As maintenance issues are logged, you have the option to share with the owner on an ad hoc basis. See also Maintenance and Owner Portal.
Property Owners
The Property Owners panel can be located on the main organisation page of your account. The Property Owners panel is designed so you have an overview of all owners that have been added onto all Property Ownership panels on each property.
Here you can click 'view' to view the basic information entered or 'Archive' to archive the information.
Owner Portal
Owners can be invited to their owner portal at the point of adding their information into the Property Ownership panel. You can skip this and invite them to their portal at a later date. Invite links can be found on the Property Ownership panel, the Property Owners panel and the ‘Other’ category on the Actions panel. See also Actions & Calendar.
Quick Access: Actions - Clicking ‘Actions’ will navigate the owner to the Actions panel on their dashboard.
Properties: The owner can click on the property to navigate down to property level.
Owner actions can be viewed here. Clicking any sub category will expand the panel.
Compliance Actions:
Further filtering options are available on the drop down menu. Owners are able to ‘dismiss’ actions once they have seen them or ‘view’ the action. When they click to ‘view’ this presents a pop out which allows them to ‘view’ or ‘download’ the document added.
Maintenance Actions:
If the owner has any maintenance issues shared with them, they will be able to view all details regarding the maintenance issue here.
Finance Actions:
If the owner has any settlement statements published to them, they will be able to view all settlements here.
Here the property owner can click on any of the properties they own to take them through to property level.
Quick access buttons allow the owner to look at the compliance documents added to the property.
They can view the number of rooms, the tenants full names and their AST dates. NB. They cannot currently see any further information.