The Tenant Find panel in COHO allows you to track all viewings, availability of rooms / properties and leads.
Each section can be further expanded to see the full details of prospective tenants at each stage.
Each prospective tenant can be pushed along the workflow by interacting with the information provided.
You can use the Tenant Find panel to invite prospective tenants to a viewing and / or send them a pre-qualification form.
It is important to note that prospective tenants that are sent a pre-qualification form or invited to a viewing do not need to create a COHO account at this stage.
The Viewings section is broken down into ‘Pre-qualification’, ‘Arranging’, ‘Scheduled’ and ‘Post-Viewing’.
Awaiting answer: This section will show you all prospective tenants that have been sent a pre-qualification form which is yet to be completed. You can expand each prospective tenant to see further information and push them along the workflow.
Answered: This section will show you all prospective tenants that have completed a pre-qualification form which is yet to be reviewed by the manager. You can expand each prospective tenant to see further information and push them along the workflow.
Stale: This section will show you all prospective tenants that have been sent a pre-qualification form which is yet to be completed and a period of 7 days or more has lapsed. You can expand each prospective tenant to see further information and push them along the workflow.
Here is an example of expanding any prospective tenant at any stage of the Tenant Find process.
Assign: Here you can assign the prospective tenant to a team member. Click ‘Assign’ and choose a team member that has been added as a User on the account. See also 22. Users & Your Account.
Created: Displays the date the tenant was sent the pre-qualification form to complete.
Who: Displays the full name of the prospective tenant.
Property: Displays the property address.
Underneath, you can see the full information regarding the prospective tenant and where they are in the workflow. You can view the tenants full name, email address, mobile number and the viewing link that can be sent to the prospective tenant.
Request: This displays any message sent to the prospective tenant when clicking ‘invite to viewing’. See also 8g. Invite to Viewing.
Viewing date: This displays if there has been a proposed viewing date. You will also see further information if you have set up your viewing hours. See also Invite to Viewing and Tenant Find Settings Cog.
What next?: This represents a flexible workflow solution where you can follow all the steps or skip ahead to any other stage you wish to complete.
Complete for tenant: This allows you to complete the pre-qualification form on behalf of the tenant.
Propose date: Here you can propose a viewing date.
Cancel: Here you can cancel the Tenant Find process with the prospective tenant.
Resend invite: Here you can resend the link to the prospective tenant.
Room: Here you can switch the prospective tenant to another room in the property.
Property: Here you can switch the prospective tenant to another property.
Onboard: Here you can start the onboarding process. The prospective tenant will move from the Tenant Find panel to the Onboarding panel. See also Onboarding.
Team Member assigned: Here you can assign the prospective tenant to a team member. If no team member has been assigned it will state this otherwise it will show who it has been assigned to. Click ‘Assign’ and choose a team member that has been added as a User on the account. See also Users & Your Account.
Side panel: The side panel displayed is a common theme throughout COHO.
History: Every time you interact with a prospective tenant and move them along the workflow, you will see an automatic log of each step, who completed the step with dates and time stamps. You are also able to add your own notes. The notes can also be viewed on the Audit Log panels. See also Audit Log.
Conversation: When a prospective tenant has requested a viewing, there is always an initial conversation. You will be able to view the entire conversation and send messages from this tab. See also Message Center.
Here you can view the full details of prospective tenants that you are arranging a viewing with.
Proposal date required: Here you can view all prospective tenants that require a proposed viewing date.
Awaiting confirmation: Here you can view all prospective tenants that need to confirm the proposed viewing date set.
It is important to note that when a viewing is accepted by the prospective tenant, COHO sends them an email 24 hours before and 2 hours before the viewing is to take place to ask them to confirm their attendance.
Here you can view the full details of all scheduled viewings.
Today: Here you can view all viewings that have been confirmed for today.
Tomorrow: Here you can view all the viewings that have been confirmed for tomorrow.
7 days: Here you can view all viewings that have been confirmed in the next 7 days.
Future: Here you can view all viewings that have been confirmed beyond the next 7 days.
Post Viewing:
Here you can view the full details of prospective tenants post the viewing.
Awaiting feedback: After the viewing has taken place, the prospective tenant is invited to confirm that they are happy to move in. The manager can also provide feedback at this stage to say if they are also happy for the prospective tenant to move in.
Approval required: Here you need to provide feedback to the prospective tenant. You will need to indicate if you’re happy for the person to move in, you’re not happy for the person to move in or they were a no show to the viewing.
Successful: If both the manager and the prospective tenant indicate that they are happy to proceed, this will be a successful viewing process. From here, you can click to ‘Onboard’ which will move the tenant from the Tenant Find panel to the Onboarding panel. See also Onboarding.
Unsuccessful: If either the manager or prospective tenant indicate that they are unhappy about moving forward, this will be marked as unsuccessful. From here the prospective tenant can be archived by clicking ‘archive’. Archived viewings can be toggled on/off.
Invite to viewing
When you’re ready to invite a prospective tenant to a viewing or you’d like to send them a pre-qualification form, click ‘Invite to viewing’.
Choose a property from the drop down menu. If the property is not listed, you may want to uncheck the ‘available only’ box. It is important to ensure that if you intend to start a viewing process on a room that is currently occupied, first make sure that you have set the move out date for the current tenant. See also Tenancy Summary & Information.
Once a property has been selected, you can then choose the room (if the property is a HMO).
Click ‘Continue’ or ‘close’.
Forename: Enter the forename of the prospective tenant. This is a mandatory field.
Surname: Enter the surname of the prospective tenant.
Email address: Enter the email address of the prospective tenant. This is a mandatory field required to send the information to the prospective tenant.
Mobile number: Enter the mobile number of the prospective tenant.
Source: Here you can record the source of where the lead came from. I.e., Spareroom, Rightmove etc. This can help you monitor the success rate of marketplace platforms that you use.
Click ‘back’ to go back to the previous step, ‘Continue’ or ‘Close’ to cancel.
Propose a date?: Here you can enter a date and time for the viewing to take place. You can also specify how long the viewing should take.
If a date and time are proposed,you have the option to also include the pre-qualification form.
Send pre-qualification form?:
Yes: Will allow you to use an existing form you have created already or create a new one. Once a form has been created, you can use that form in the future. See also Tenant Find Settings Cog.
No: Does not send a pre-qualification form.
Meet at the property: This checkbox will inform the tenant that you will meet them at the property. If the checkbox is unchecked, you can enter a meeting point instruction in the box provided.
Leave it for later: If you wish to leave the viewing date and time for later.
Click ‘back’ to go back to the previous step, ‘Continue’ or ‘Close’ to cancel.
If either a date has been proposed or you have chosen to leave the date and time until later, you will have the option to send the prospective tenant a pre-qualification form.
Send pre-qualification form?:
Yes: Will allow you to use an existing form you have created already or create a new one. Once a form has been created, you can use that form in the future. See also Tenant Find Settings Cog.
No: Does not send a pre-qualification form.
Click ‘back’ to go back to the previous step, ‘Continue’ or ‘Close’ to cancel.
At the final stage you have the option to include a message to the prospective tenant.
Click ‘back’ to go back to the previous step, ‘Send’ or ‘Close’ to cancel.
Availabilities & Public Profile Link
The Availabilities section is broken down to ‘Available’ and ‘Unavailable’.
Now: Here you can view all rooms / properties that are available now. It also details if anyone is currently going through the onboarding process into an empty room.
Soon: Here you can view all rooms / properties that are available soon.
Unavailable: Here you can see all properties / rooms that are empty but the property / room has been set as unavailable.
Public Profile Link: Here you have a clickable link that navigates you to COHOs Find a Home Tenant Marketplace to see all availabilities across the portfolio. See also Property Marketing, Property Details & Room Details.
Availabilities & Public Profile Link - Tenant Find Panel at Property level:
The Tenant Find panel at Property level gives you some further options for listings on COHOs Find a Home Tenant Marketplace.
Copy viewing form link: Here you can click to copy the URL. You can then send this directly to a prospective tenant to request a viewing.
Edit property profile: Here you can edit property details that appear on your listing. See also Property Marketing, Property Details & Room Details.
The Leads Section allows you to see any leads feeding over from Rightmove and you can manually add any leads. This is really useful if you have a 'waiting list' of potential tenants. See also Rightmove Credentials. Filtering options allow you to filter by property or archived leads.
To add a new Lead, click '+ Lead'.
Property: Allows you select a property (if applicable).
Checkbox: Allows you to toggle between available and unavailable properties.
Forename: This is a mandatory field. Enter the first name of the lead.
Surname: Enter the surname of the lead.
Email address: This is a mandatory field. Enter the email address of the lead.
Mobile number: Enter the mobile number for the lead.
Source: Here you can record the source as to where the lead came from.
Notes: Here you can enter any notes that are relevant to the lead.
Calendly for Booking Viewings
If you have a Calendly account, you can create an event for viewings and send the link to the prospective tenant in the pre-application form.
From your Calendly account create your Viewing event. The best event type for this would be a One-on-One event. You can add a set up a description, outline when you're available to attend a viewing and have the event when booked feed straight into your diary outside of COHO. Once an event has been set up, you will get a unique link that you can share with prospective tenants that they are able to book a viewing slot with you.
The most effective way of getting your Calendly link to a prospective tenant is to add the link to your pre-qualification form. You can outline your pre-qualification form as normal and then add your unique Calendly link as a question, prompting the prospective tenant to use the link to book their viewing slot with you. See also Pre-qualification forms.
Tenant Find Settings Cog
The Tenant Find Settings Cog can be located in the top right hand corner of the Tenant Find panel.
Here you can set up viewing hours and create your pre-qualification forms prior to inviting someone to a viewing.
Viewing Hours
We recommend that you define ‘business as usual’ parameters that constrain when an applicant may propose a viewing. With no viewing hours defined, applicants will be able to propose any date or time.
Default viewing duration: Here you can specify the amount of time that will be required to complete the viewing.
Automatic alert: Here you have a checkbox that can be ticked to automatically alert the active tenants in the property that someone will be attending the property to complete a viewing. We will send them an email with the viewing details (room, date and time) to each tenant in the property 24 hours before the agreed viewing time. If the time agreed is less than 24 hours before the viewing, the email is sent immediately.
Minimum days before: This is the minimum number of days before a prospective tenant is able to book a viewing.
Maximum days in advance: This is the maximum number of days in advance the prospective tenant is able to book a viewing.
Monday - Sunday: Here you can mark which days you are unavailable to complete viewings and specify the time range of the days you are able to complete a viewing.
Click ‘save’ to save the information entered or ‘cancel’.
Pre-qualification forms:
Here you can create and store your pre-qualification forms ahead of inviting to a viewing. You can also view pre-qualification forms that have already been created.
Click ‘+Add form’ to add a new form.
Application form name: Enter the name of the application form. This will help you identify which application form you need to use when sending the form.
Mandatory Questions: Forename, Surname, Email and Mobile Number are mandatory questions and are always set for every form.
Optional Questions: Checkbox options include: Date of birth, Gender, Current address, National Insurance Number, Next of Kin, Current Landlord details, copies of recent bank statements, Proof of Identification, Reason for moving and Reason for property interest.
History: Checkbox options include: Ever bankrupt, Any CCJs and Any criminal record.
Employment details: Checkbox options include: Employment type & annual income and Employment Status.
Add additional questions: Here you can add as many additional questions as you wish.
Additional files: Here you can include any files related to the viewing process.
Consent & Declaration:
Click ‘Create’ or ‘cancel’.
Viewing existing forms:
To view a form you have already created, click on the name of the form to expand the information.
Here you can ‘edit’ or ‘archive’ the form. You can also specify if the form is for a particular property or is applicable for the entire portfolio.
Rightmove Credentials
You can list any property or room on Rightmove from the details section of any property/room page. See also Property Marketing, Property Details and Room Details. Once listed, we will keep it up to date as you make any changes and also remove the listing when the room or property is unavailable.
All of your Rightmove leads will be retrieved hourly and added to the Leads section within the Tenant Find panel, so that you can handle everything within COHO.
If you have multiple Rightmove accounts, you can pick which branch you want to use for a particular listing.