The Performance panel in COHO allows you to see portfolio or property level performance statistics. These can be changed using the filtering option at the top of the panel. These include; Rent Roll, Occupancy, Average Tenancy Duration, Age Ranges, Genders, Days to Fill Voids, Rent Paid on Time, Rent Days Late and Tenant Satisfaction statistics.
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Rent Roll: We look at the total amount of rent currently being earned, compared to the target rent for the rooms/properties.
Occupancy: We look at the total number of days a room has been occupied within a given period, and compare it to the number of days it was empty.
Average Tenancy Duration: We look at the average months duration for tenancies that were active within a given period. We take the average of all ended tenancies as a prediction for what active tenancies should reach, and exclude any active tenancy below this average, to avoid new tenancies skewing the figure.
Age Range: Graph displaying age ranges of tenants.
Gender: Breakdown of tenancies by gender.
Days to Fill Voids: We look at the number of days between a room becoming empty and subsequently being occupied within a given period. The figure shown is an average across all rooms/properties.
Rent Paid on Time: We look at the dates that rent payments were due and paid across all of your rooms/properties. We calculate an average across all payments for a given period of time of those that were paid on or before they were due.
Rent Days Late: We look at the dates that rent payments were due and paid across all of your rooms/properties and calculate an average number of days that payments were made late.
Tenant Satisfaction: We aggregate all of the tenant satisfaction scores from all tenancies to create a single overall feedback score. See also Feedback.
For more information on how we calculate and measure the scores, click on the āiā next to each heading.