There may be instance where you do not want to track a certain compliance document and want to stop the actions associated with it.
Here is a short guide on how to turn them off.
Step 1
First, navigate to the property you wish to turn a compliance document off for.
Step 2
Navigate to the compliance panel that you wish to turn off.
Step 3
On the panel, you will notice a settings cog in the right hand corner:
Click the settings cog to open a pop out window.
Step 4
Change the setting to 'Off'
Step 5
Choose your saving options.
'Save' to turn it off for the property you're currently in. 'Save for all properties' turns it off across all properties on your account.
You will find all Inactive Services at the bottom of the property so if you do need to turn it back on in the future, you can do this by scrolling to the bottom, finding the service, clicking 'Read more' and turning it back to 'Manual'.